Address: 1Jf48wufcDpPQ2EEgX1jUULuTHVzDhqBSF

Script: 76a914c1ac9042b50a9d2e7a6a1b42bad66e61a9ec3f6b88ac

Total Lost: 556.53071692 BTC

Transactions: 23

How did this script burn BTC?

Lost Keys

The majority of Bitcoin is secured through the use of private keys. Wallet applications generate public and private keypairs, which are used to generate an address.

Modern wallets use deterministic systems such as BIP391 to generate a root key which is used to derive every subsequent key. Thus, ensuring you have a reliable, safe backup of the root key, typically a 12 or 24 word mnemonic phrase, is sufficient to recover access to your funds.

Before such systems were developed, most wallets stored each keypair individually. This resulted in a number of additional ways to lose access to your coins - old backups wouldn’t be able to recover any keys for addresses generated after the backup was taken, for instance.

Over the years, wallet applications have also had a number of bugs, leading to unstable key production, bad encryption, and other cases which inadvertently resulted in funds being directed to addresses without known keys.

Even if the wallets work perfectly, users do still lose access to their keys by neglecting to make backups or other mistakes.’s lost_keys group tracks cases for which there is a reasonable degree of confidence that the keys are genuinely and truly lost.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
7fb36038810b1727cc912423cec866e764912c006b064e6b314e43dc61a97e98 685999
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
9700fa6dafb8dc4a009157784edb3cc4d3aa8c9949358c784d632aded916be28 682960
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
999f931e5573c20a7d10c56d304986aba9879bd6666522d0849ad3ce240e9b56 679881
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
1906e9457dfc1773cba32b49874e4dc0990994e7e1f6e4131fd88ea354408c65 676307
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
6f80a01c348b19255e5a1f2403aca5034d167d7daba7563fc30b7941465d3ea9 672627
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
2096d43fe5fc4bc6558550eb7f3de7d94f93606276caa540dbdb6b229f08373d 669489
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
9b70bc3aa6e1f333c6141369860f81c393df6a05c1f2a4eb7f7a0ca9ed1859ef 667255
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
48b026e48c4ca1b28bed59c4e6f9b28fe56bbbda1ad54af2ddd5aadfa1a611b8 663671
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
6bcae0d327da5075fa385169aa1e826e038be090695bdf8e8b95dd286f704641 657892
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
1c5abd7109908ea794d36a6b5ce20240ab164e917a3ccb3344c28bccdde1c597 653804
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
88c0f362a6a1f9914fa5b3cb90577b3d0489f8b0b86983739a832d9f3f97dcf2 650867
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
df0989e03ecebac8ec1b4d2d7506ff36c7395d37dbd63dd429620f9bd1dcca06 648296
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
473246b481864ddf7c8177c8cc05add79c2f77bfcedf8ed3680e8d6ee616a455 645768
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
80352a5c08c2a37ddb267993da015b8a20c4eecf65fa7a22c240f72a73124aeb 643991
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
df2e92f947b2cf982402686a43a1e5111a4620a5d43429749c8b42b3a095cca3 623589
0.000006 BTC
now $0.38
0.000006 BTC
8775552e83aad5f7ea0bc226794ac7df950d324d9a64b09e4fb0c44197d8f7aa 567449
0.00000546 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000546 BTC
64918e557f67124b8868632cb6d43da88aade01a11ea978fa85d4334b2162349 547011
0.00000888 BTC
now $0.56
0.00000888 BTC
c6af4eb42d98faf027f5f1d157df8cc13f74e247d01f7dc387d8def2425364c2 379353
0.0001 BTC
now $6.27
0.0001 BTC
b3b5d3dd2c66d169e408d6b87c00704353ec9e3ee0e1754dcb930cd70f8b5f0e 350485
0.0005 BTC
now $31.34
0.0005 BTC
9e2f262d742789d7d93ed69abb9445c769d991fb33e0da87903b99e6082008f5 319540
0.00001 BTC
now $0.63
0.00001 BTC
ae701d586db9557654a5ff8cbd198df1bf0eb68ffccf433c2a8b3720ecb20711 319461
0.00001 BTC
now $0.63
0.00001 BTC
1ee82fd26b101ea7b55e3430ae8e1de39caf0a804928a9a742e8483065ce004a 111574
516.53 BTC
now $32,375,118.99
516.53 BTC
0e942bb178dbf7ae40d36d238d559427429641689a379fc43929f15275a75fa6 111111
40 BTC
now $2,507,124.00
40 BTC