Script Group lost_keys

Total Lost: 9848.97161314 BTC

Transactions: 138

Scripts: 11

How did these scripts burn BTC?

Lost Keys

The majority of Bitcoin is secured through the use of private keys. Wallet applications generate public and private keypairs, which are used to generate an address.

Modern wallets use deterministic systems such as BIP391 to generate a root key which is used to derive every subsequent key. Thus, ensuring you have a reliable, safe backup of the root key, typically a 12 or 24 word mnemonic phrase, is sufficient to recover access to your funds.

Before such systems were developed, most wallets stored each keypair individually. This resulted in a number of additional ways to lose access to your coins - old backups wouldn’t be able to recover any keys for addresses generated after the backup was taken, for instance.

Over the years, wallet applications have also had a number of bugs, leading to unstable key production, bad encryption, and other cases which inadvertently resulted in funds being directed to addresses without known keys.

Even if the wallets work perfectly, users do still lose access to their keys by neglecting to make backups or other mistakes.’s lost_keys group tracks cases for which there is a reasonable degree of confidence that the keys are genuinely and truly lost.

View revision history
Script Transactions Amount
15ZMCFvj6LBnNPufa97LEo6544XScqETP6 4
31.22783326 BTC
now $1,818,331.15
31.22783326 BTC
166BuLPWHUjqoqiYp5rGE3B5r5AmqgHpoL 30
103.20833698 BTC
now $6,009,604.72
103.20833698 BTC
167ZWTT8n6s4ya8cGjqNNQjDwDGY31vmHg 54
8999.0062374 BTC
now $523,993,235.29
8999.0062374 BTC
16DsRFSCbv8aPMmDcbP4wYsS4FV9hf6rt2 1
1.2 BTC
now $69,873.48
1.2 BTC
1AdHAc4kYrMzwijP75b4qp4xqP3ZRuFqL1 3
0.49861 BTC
now $29,033.01
0.49861 BTC
1BdE3uE4xLqWHfrjuPWmAywshfBX8v7xA2 16
3.14482423 BTC
now $183,116.51
3.14482423 BTC
1EAd1Qua6fzyenPeSMRxYcpbcKgYUBpxQ7 2
0.06693388 BTC
now $3,897.42
0.06693388 BTC
1EJ8Sqo2EShCB5tDWkj8pufi4yz7HwxqfW 2
128.65200547 BTC
now $7,491,136.11
128.65200547 BTC
1HAEA2h7it1w8U1sLgQYNS9eYLjTCR6Z9E 2
5.661 BTC
now $329,628.14
5.661 BTC
1Jf48wufcDpPQ2EEgX1jUULuTHVzDhqBSF 23
556.53071692 BTC
now $32,405,614.93
556.53071692 BTC
1LdZZqbEzDKb74CYrqmiBvDnX7n6b8TYKR 1
19.775115 BTC
now $1,151,463.42
19.775115 BTC