Address: 166BuLPWHUjqoqiYp5rGE3B5r5AmqgHpoL

Script: 76a91437d3cf3cd85592775233c9c2172ec8ef326c4b5c88ac

Total Lost: 103.20833698 BTC

Transactions: 30

How did this script burn BTC?

Lost Keys

The majority of Bitcoin is secured through the use of private keys. Wallet applications generate public and private keypairs, which are used to generate an address.

Modern wallets use deterministic systems such as BIP391 to generate a root key which is used to derive every subsequent key. Thus, ensuring you have a reliable, safe backup of the root key, typically a 12 or 24 word mnemonic phrase, is sufficient to recover access to your funds.

Before such systems were developed, most wallets stored each keypair individually. This resulted in a number of additional ways to lose access to your coins - old backups wouldn’t be able to recover any keys for addresses generated after the backup was taken, for instance.

Over the years, wallet applications have also had a number of bugs, leading to unstable key production, bad encryption, and other cases which inadvertently resulted in funds being directed to addresses without known keys.

Even if the wallets work perfectly, users do still lose access to their keys by neglecting to make backups or other mistakes.’s lost_keys group tracks cases for which there is a reasonable degree of confidence that the keys are genuinely and truly lost.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
200f7353f542c7657a8bef567debe467f6061662095d6520be58f24605671b6c 647093
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
4ee36139311d64c318ce5f177943f41fd9ca2a86fe8e03e8f0cbcb9689932916 597951
0.00000767 BTC
now $0.48
0.00000767 BTC
65b127f12a42b63ad6341a328ee5bc870f36c15cb9ea82610901639e4920bac2 168583
3.54673974 BTC
now $222,499.75
3.54673974 BTC
0c9b37bb0c3e8bba9515c3595ae56f857d96cfbf993ab204e2dda005db94d994 167419
10.76780902 BTC
now $675,503.42
10.76780902 BTC
0eb7a30dea0405cd7ee96ba78bac198bd028fbdce2798f5d8ff177d88d684dd5 165238
7.39225397 BTC
now $463,742.70
7.39225397 BTC
774713c2813fbf062a170c0cc86ed4e9504ef6e1f6650b4a3526c1f50732cfd9 163715
12.36303572 BTC
now $775,577.74
12.36303572 BTC
50af4f8d93d8e582c06aa231253b471944de24758751d2a2f0fc9c0b3c23da3b 161276
7.86553962 BTC
now $493,433.62
7.86553962 BTC
75725e7da9f1899e8bfd247c66e999f0caf61eb140427ea79e2da64b0dfb0f3a 159734
6.83970083 BTC
now $429,079.06
6.83970083 BTC
62d572476b4ef0920baf0390b046d7e883e6ad20dddecb03ce28da0f34f434cf 150163
4.08674415 BTC
now $256,376.17
4.08674415 BTC
9e9a5f93ef068b1e45176af9460a0d388b445178a97498b5a7eb7977e4b6b601 148747
6.96819381 BTC
now $437,139.88
6.96819381 BTC
5a6fd786187b1925e8843e5b892f6c2982557048b8b72f735d4a642e50c2e53d 147160
5.6314951 BTC
now $353,283.96
5.6314951 BTC
a242ecdb0f068f11c561e4db1f345f957a4875ab411115b34b4145cca0b6e18b 145923
3.98416541 BTC
now $249,941.04
3.98416541 BTC
c0af87dc2eb0154ff48dac505b6bb0a0eac13d34c42fdcf32c489cca80287e34 144857
5.73394243 BTC
now $359,710.85
5.73394243 BTC
9eb32d1b7869862f419360f59fd8d57d1bb3d24823b4920d7baae5b1e0e065fa 143409
4.21900526 BTC
now $264,673.39
4.21900526 BTC
3a056658bbbd7533a7dea5ccf848a2ea730a6ccc33b1eff368d4ad04852aa186 142309
4.01381166 BTC
now $251,800.86
4.01381166 BTC
59d2409798fda187cd3cbdac8571d98799dc5103486a41d12f9bf280deaa19f7 141326
3.45472517 BTC
now $216,727.35
3.45472517 BTC
18a9cbeab5668892ee28fbd531fbd472050efac2ad52f21402cb4885dd5a1f10 140422
3.518798 BTC
now $220,746.87
3.518798 BTC
91c500c76ec5bf8c31fbb5fb51bee39c25874b06e2e3e0d28deb62244d164e32 139037
1.00993185 BTC
now $63,356.66
1.00993185 BTC
5f704948dd33dae0b997c9cd4d70cbbbfc74adc42533d7f61695502bd4cf7583 138733
0.99936743 BTC
now $62,693.92
0.99936743 BTC
08d92fa09f164b26a696c53af194154b5a9635de7695529a3815710ff7bbfd99 138539
0.99131546 BTC
now $62,188.79
0.99131546 BTC
0dd82f448cf70d151123353d417be425835f5ef5d69ca828e956b9a602a1c7ae 138172
1.26628745 BTC
now $79,438.77
1.26628745 BTC
b99c1bb1c43f54d480129c07fe95b20174ebd8fe2b8656a7c556cb380ee13c12 137411
0.85667976 BTC
now $53,742.61
0.85667976 BTC
52c9d1fa7a9eb48957cf9ec3ec9811704db918b4f54e87734a6f2624217aa81f 137070
1.01482258 BTC
now $63,663.47
1.01482258 BTC
b3b308aeb596415feecf5d1791c858f288e1ad270a7c4747473c1fa94cd2a571 136707
1.15005736 BTC
now $72,147.24
1.15005736 BTC
9d986a98a8a0003bbd09be9ab0f3724b4f512c7648057fd2d2f20056d763d637 136200
1.06390206 BTC
now $66,742.41
1.06390206 BTC
4b40e84f05c1a41ff77d0710015fae89aa2a87ad2a71e99916f336b8e84c7924 135709
0.74 BTC
now $46,422.86
0.74 BTC
db4b07ca9199fda3bf520ebf5cdc451d56e038f4bb670c1b9323c22bed4c3367 135475
now $62,733.60
d30d9500a9cd3a98a559b3b8dd7e8da0136c2da6804fb969c1888d8b68481081 135189
now $62,733.60
85fc39b6b8b5cbe620f57b2f6fdc8ba15e57ca7b23f3323ac8a27102c6cde606 134940
0.72 BTC
now $45,168.19
0.72 BTC
2ee8291656796dc6f3d1b48b0baaa09ca7d89c247fd8ed398ef1928de75b2e52 134839
1.01 BTC
now $63,360.94
1.01 BTC