Address: 15ZMCFvj6LBnNPufa97LEo6544XScqETP6

Script: 76a91431feabcca9914c58dad89ac0f9610915ca49fd2488ac

Total Lost: 31.22783326 BTC

Transactions: 4

How did this script burn BTC?

Lost Keys

The majority of Bitcoin is secured through the use of private keys. Wallet applications generate public and private keypairs, which are used to generate an address.

Modern wallets use deterministic systems such as BIP391 to generate a root key which is used to derive every subsequent key. Thus, ensuring you have a reliable, safe backup of the root key, typically a 12 or 24 word mnemonic phrase, is sufficient to recover access to your funds.

Before such systems were developed, most wallets stored each keypair individually. This resulted in a number of additional ways to lose access to your coins - old backups wouldn’t be able to recover any keys for addresses generated after the backup was taken, for instance.

Over the years, wallet applications have also had a number of bugs, leading to unstable key production, bad encryption, and other cases which inadvertently resulted in funds being directed to addresses without known keys.

Even if the wallets work perfectly, users do still lose access to their keys by neglecting to make backups or other mistakes.’s lost_keys group tracks cases for which there is a reasonable degree of confidence that the keys are genuinely and truly lost.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
1049d9550f540bc6e5eea1f3162c9e160a5414605b212a40be77f12efbcc729d 651482
0.00000547 BTC
now $0.34
0.00000547 BTC
69342031277ec98b437736ce56d0f79d39ca682d27fe23c9241bce5ee3567ceb 216178
12.5 BTC
now $785,078.75
12.5 BTC
bb8aa03a8f3853c93c2ad656a70ff0814c25b72ae164b043f2bf64c372fcccfd 212522
0.03639639 BTC
now $2,285.92
0.03639639 BTC
f82df0601eb4b551d71064ffc587f4c9287d35a6c5ae967415f5c45a64bba579 211531
18.6914314 BTC
now $1,173,939.65
18.6914314 BTC