Transaction d57584338fd0df20ba255e4a78b27e6e444f4d771e2b8e5cdb7824213036fc6d

Block #836544

2024-03-27 19:43:58 +0000 UTC (~3 months, 6 days ago)

BTC Burned: 0 BTC

0.00033237 BTC
now $20.94
0.00033237 BTC
0 ff3845f229bb2ba96161f191d266a9ac6d169412 witness_v0_keyhash
now $0.00
OP_RETURN converted to ASCII �
OP_RETURN 0 nulldata
0.00028144 BTC
now $17.73
0.00028144 BTC
OP_HASH160 4c8400da29250889ec26bfdf0aa5cc639a0c9f64 OP_EQUAL scripthash

How did this transaction burn BTC?

OP_RETURN outputs

OP_RETURN is a provably unspendable method that allows embedding of arbitrary data into the blockchain1.

OP_RETURN outputs are used to embed data such as messages, commitments from systems like Stacks2, or even files - there are no constraints on the nature of the data, only on the size per OP_RETURN output.

As they are provably unspendable, OP_RETURN outputs are pruned from the UTXO set automatically and do not contribute to the UTXO set size.

Although OP_RETURN outputs are exempted from the Dust Limit and can be 0-value, some users choose to transfer BTC to the output. This BTC is permanently and irreversibly lost, and reduces the circulating supply of Bitocin.

View revision history
Raw Transaction
  "txid": "d57584338fd0df20ba255e4a78b27e6e444f4d771e2b8e5cdb7824213036fc6d",
  "hash": "0454be2c4121628ce7434736d0e2294a06059f0eab2e690990749b5f42fd5bc6",
  "version": 2,
  "size": 203,
  "vsize": 122,
  "weight": 485,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "789982c6389a2ce84d89639dde50548b7090e07d493ef85e5b2c014bd60e7957",
      "vout": 1,
      "scriptSig": {
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        "hex": ""
      "txinwitness": [
      "prevout": {
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        "height": 836125,
        "value": "0.00033237",
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      "sequence": 4294967293
  "vout": [
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  "fee": "0.00005093",
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