Transaction 99a2c2ea560602e8b64c1582a706d3f5294bb79ab755d48a081d470561818d24

Block #204403

2012-10-22 05:47:32 +0000 UTC (~11 years, 10 months ago)

BTC Burned: 🔥0.0005 BTC🔥


Coinbase: 03731e03055084ddf40e

Coinbase converted to ASCII sP���

0.00500945 BTC
now $311.48
0.00500945 BTC
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 89bd5d05d8ea4281957421922db29aed326adeb2 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG pubkeyhash
50.08949055 BTC
now $3,114,529.46
50.08949055 BTC
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 88299849862de0161e3f0ef195fda3ece92dbd59 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG pubkeyhash

How did this transaction burn BTC?

Coinbase Reward Loss

For a variety of reasons, some blocks do not claim their full block reward.

The Bitcoin Protocol and reference Bitcoin Core implementation only require that the sum of all outputs in the coinbase transaction are less than or equal to block subsidy + transaction fees for that block. They don’t require that all of this entitlement is claimed by the miner.

Over the years, numerous misconfigurations and bugs in the systems used by miners to generate block templates have resulted in under-claiming of the block reward. Not only is this a loss to the miner, but it also reduces the total supply of Bitcoin that will ever be mined. There is no mechanism to claim unclaimed rewards after the block in which they were supposed to be claimed.

On rarer occasions, bugs in the reference implementation itself have led to losses - notably, the Genesis Block, Block 91722, and Block 91812 block rewards were claimed but destroyed due to bugs in the Bitcoin Core implementation at that time.

View revision history
Raw Transaction
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