Transaction 729a269e2b37059586677babb1d38ae3c936cba8108cc4350ed36438d5b67bd7

Block #278511

2014-01-04 02:13:06 +0000 UTC (~10 years, 7 months ago)

BTC Burned: 🔥0.9988 BTC🔥

0.9989 BTC
now $60,765.28
0.9989 BTC
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0ddd01ed6abc80e6c7aedcdb5c7be30b6bd8fdf7 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG pubkeyhash
0.9988 BTC
now $60,759.20
🔥0.9988 BTC🔥
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 818895f3dc2c178629d3d2d8fa3ec4a3f8179821 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG pubkeyhash
OP_RETURN converted to ASCII CNTRPRTY���<ProofOfBurn
OP_RETURN 434e5452505254590000003c50726f6f664f664275726e nulldata

How did this transaction burn BTC?

OP_RETURN outputs

OP_RETURN is a provably unspendable method that allows embedding of arbitrary data into the blockchain1.

OP_RETURN outputs are used to embed data such as messages, commitments from systems like Stacks2, or even files - there are no constraints on the nature of the data, only on the size per OP_RETURN output.

As they are provably unspendable, OP_RETURN outputs are pruned from the UTXO set automatically and do not contribute to the UTXO set size.

Although OP_RETURN outputs are exempted from the Dust Limit and can be 0-value, some users choose to transfer BTC to the output. This BTC is permanently and irreversibly lost, and reduces the circulating supply of Bitocin.

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Burn Address

Bitcoin addresses are generated by base58 or bech32 encoding the hash of a public key or script, along with a version and checksum.

As the encoding is directly performed on this hash value, it is possible to generate a valid address for which the pre-image public key or script is unknown. This is known as a burn address.

This is commonly done to create a visually distinct address, and to demonstrate some level of “nothing up my sleeve” transparency. The hash values are picked to be values that are improbably to have been generated by chance (due to the immense computational power required to find a pre-image that hashes to a specific value).

While some burn addresses were used in Proof-of-Burn schemes, the majority of burn addresses are simply vanity addresses used to simply burn coins or encode a message into the blockchain.

View revision history
Raw Transaction
  "txid": "729a269e2b37059586677babb1d38ae3c936cba8108cc4350ed36438d5b67bd7",
  "hash": "729a269e2b37059586677babb1d38ae3c936cba8108cc4350ed36438d5b67bd7",
  "version": 1,
  "size": 226,
  "vsize": 226,
  "weight": 904,
  "locktime": 0,
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      "vout": 2,
      "scriptSig": {
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          "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0ddd01ed6abc80e6c7aedcdb5c7be30b6bd8fdf7 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
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