Transaction 6b1d9d6d353ae51eacfdc4183c273e2a9f2f6a2ad84181edfc435e0a2d2c97f9

Block #728519

2022-03-22 12:06:29 +0000 UTC (~2 years, 3 months ago)

BTC Burned: 🔥0.00002327 BTC🔥

0.02097337 BTC
now $1,320.61
0.02097337 BTC
0 1f0d14ff32596f2fe78269bad287bff67e6ea9a6 witness_v0_keyhash
0.00002327 BTC
now $1.47
🔥0.00002327 BTC🔥
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 9f7fd096d37ed2c0e3f7f0cfc924beef4ffceb68 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG pubkeyhash
0.02094339 BTC
now $1,318.72
0.02094339 BTC
0 1f0d14ff32596f2fe78269bad287bff67e6ea9a6 witness_v0_keyhash

How did this transaction burn BTC?

The 0x00 Public Key Address

The 1FYMZEHnszCHKTBdFZ2DLrUuk3dGwYKQxh address is a Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) address that is derived from a public key that solely contains the byte 0x00. This is the point at infinity on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, and is not a permitted public key1.

This results in any BTC sent to this address being irrevocably lost, as it is impossible to generate a signature that will validate against the 0x00 public key.

Over the years, a handful of bugs2 in wallet applications have resulted in users inadvertently sending BTC to this address.

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ECDSA Incompatibility

The Bitcoin Protocol relies on the secp256k1 elliptic curve for its cryptographic operations. This curve belongs to the larger family of elliptic curves.

Bitcoin also employs a number of hashing operations such as SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160. These operations are used in various places across the protocol, including in the creation of addresses and their corresponding Bitcoin Scripts.

In some cases, it is possible to select values that are invalid for the secp256k1 curve as inputs to the hashing operations. This can lead to unexpected results, such as the creation of addresses that can be used to receive BTC, but are never able to spend it.

View revision history
Raw Transaction
  "txid": "6b1d9d6d353ae51eacfdc4183c273e2a9f2f6a2ad84181edfc435e0a2d2c97f9",
  "hash": "01d5e6482f52fbb8a2f2ea259fb80771e0e3ef291b21b5175a1a978cb91707f1",
  "version": 2,
  "size": 226,
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