Transaction 06348187eab00253972fef836b0d4c7362de81e3ca3b8411d25a5d2de9538a1b

Block #684019

2021-05-17 21:52:08 +0000 UTC (~3 years, 2 months ago)

BTC Burned: 🔥0.00002246 BTC🔥

0.00044 BTC
now $24.34
0.00044 BTC
OP_HASH160 35665ed96753ba51ed065cdb9fc4a1e16dcecf4e OP_EQUAL scripthash
0.00002246 BTC
now $1.24
🔥0.00002246 BTC🔥
OP_HASH160 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OP_EQUAL scripthash
0.00030874 BTC
now $17.08
0.00030874 BTC
OP_HASH160 82ca3a985fd8964300bf1309a7b59ab53119ca1e OP_EQUAL scripthash

How did this transaction burn BTC?

P2SH All-0 HASH160

The address 31h1vYVSYuKP6AhS86fbRdMw9XHieotbST corresponds to a Pay-2-Script-Hash (P2SH) script with a HASH160 of all 0s. It is essentially analogous to 1111111111111111111114oLvT2, which ia a Pay-2-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) script with a HASH160 of all 0s.

Funds sent to this address are unspendable, as unlocking them requires producing valid Bitcoin Script which has a HASH160 of all 0s.

View revision history

Burn Address

Bitcoin addresses are generated by base58 or bech32 encoding the hash of a public key or script, along with a version and checksum.

As the encoding is directly performed on this hash value, it is possible to generate a valid address for which the pre-image public key or script is unknown. This is known as a burn address.

This is commonly done to create a visually distinct address, and to demonstrate some level of “nothing up my sleeve” transparency. The hash values are picked to be values that are improbably to have been generated by chance (due to the immense computational power required to find a pre-image that hashes to a specific value).

While some burn addresses were used in Proof-of-Burn schemes, the majority of burn addresses are simply vanity addresses used to simply burn coins or encode a message into the blockchain.

View revision history
Raw Transaction
  "txid": "06348187eab00253972fef836b0d4c7362de81e3ca3b8411d25a5d2de9538a1b",
  "hash": "9b657adade8a59a2f526e28111383713bbb6a7a3897262aeca6b75b7bbcc7989",
  "version": 2,
  "size": 248,
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  "weight": 662,
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      "vout": 4,
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