Address: 16QaFeudRUt8NYy2yzjm3BMvG4xBbAsBFM

Script: 76a9143b4df4363caa9e3bd9da58020d3080be8230a4ae88ac

Total Lost: 0.01024676 BTC

Transactions: 4

How did this script burn BTC?

All Zero X and Y Coordinates

An uncompressed public key results in 0x04 followed by two blocks of all zero bytes. This is similar to the all zero key, but does correctly encode the type of the key by using the 0x04 byte.

When such a key is used to derive a Pay-to-Public-Keyhash (P2PKH) address, the resulting address is 16QaFeudRUt8NYy2yzjm3BMvG4xBbAsBFM. While this address can be used to receive BTC, it is not possible to spend the BTC from this address, as a signature that can be validated against this public key cannot be created.

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ECDSA Incompatibility

The Bitcoin Protocol relies on the secp256k1 elliptic curve for its cryptographic operations. This curve belongs to the larger family of elliptic curves.

Bitcoin also employs a number of hashing operations such as SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160. These operations are used in various places across the protocol, including in the creation of addresses and their corresponding Bitcoin Scripts.

In some cases, it is possible to select values that are invalid for the secp256k1 curve as inputs to the hashing operations. This can lead to unexpected results, such as the creation of addresses that can be used to receive BTC, but are never able to spend it.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
55571ca5e1f86c11a5ec5837aa1edf4262042b4b18379373585047ce8f8938cf 843079
0.00000546 BTC
now $0.33
0.00000546 BTC
ca9ae53f5a8bf29825af1438fcde86c4437668f5ed35ec32b9fc4e5a0a42da68 549601
0.0000426 BTC
now $2.59
0.0000426 BTC
83d0aaf8e3bd5a240eba1061c572024750c38c847074f7717ef8467b3c4e3893 549600
0.0001987 BTC
now $12.09
0.0001987 BTC
dce83bbde7aba21c8994f9176e827a6a6ce28b4e4121d9090d8fe0b846b74034 147782
0.01 BTC
now $608.68
0.01 BTC