Address: 123AnditsGone111111111111111Ymiao1

Script: 76a9140b612096a2499a212f9248f63bd07d92144fd00788ac

Total Lost: 0.04403101 BTC

Transactions: 28

How did this script burn BTC?

Burn Address

Bitcoin addresses are generated by base58 or bech32 encoding the hash of a public key or script, along with a version and checksum.

As the encoding is directly performed on this hash value, it is possible to generate a valid address for which the pre-image public key or script is unknown. This is known as a burn address.

This is commonly done to create a visually distinct address, and to demonstrate some level of “nothing up my sleeve” transparency. The hash values are picked to be values that are improbably to have been generated by chance (due to the immense computational power required to find a pre-image that hashes to a specific value).

While some burn addresses were used in Proof-of-Burn schemes, the majority of burn addresses are simply vanity addresses used to simply burn coins or encode a message into the blockchain.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
0f88b0174a4a1162947e417c4f7d7311fe809dc0f10f536ac76e61e6341b37cc 534296
0.00051612 BTC
now $32.35
0.00051612 BTC
6582b7faba0a3ecd49de5c8c9f95f8fb3f1617316f2df364c5e6eefde30947e3 461146
0.001 BTC
now $62.68
0.001 BTC
f28fece94b2b01f2ffe18586baf2733db3082f63fd6b8082394a44f3c9636cbd 452606
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
dee43aa43e964e23bdc338ae1f764081742401b8ad9ae7205dd9d2dede7f0276 452606
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
a5b087fc4408759378cd3aa8bd28d50198106c0b3a399c06bde1689c8f628824 452606
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
2b781fb24fa9389f73d3bf22738d7bd9e64d9a481bcd6f673e6f0295189e5b40 452606
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
23b5f728706191f320be23c71929fb8fc815242db9f4f4c44b6b21bc0ab964be 452606
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
f8291d408f8a52493e6912793d96c7203970852da81291e8b411c3bd37e8f9c9 452206
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
f4849d7b40958d9717c851c6478224777efe8c309ec068bcc8a8cf90138b4862 452206
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
dcd945a3bc52dcd5561966d0ff09448f81451d8ccbf917f838a81ca1b5f07be1 452206
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
d21f6c781e039b0f9236046dfcd17429a1e7f03cd3f65e1a05613d9c5c1dcde5 452206
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
c941cd03a8e5a189e02b8836ba2eece772f1a78bbe3e019afbe4cbbb901e1e5d 452206
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
0ecf56f187298dadfb9e39f4ac08cb2d9ba989c329b6d357ea5785eff21efb31 452206
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
fdfc59f3756985a6ddb80e4a020804e71debd398a8dac40e3df06618f4eecaf2 388222
0.001 BTC
now $62.68
0.001 BTC
16fb09a61a063ea608a8e6fb59f1098e998c7ca573709b742121a05d4dae36cc 388214
0.008 BTC
now $501.42
0.008 BTC
025006a67398586c81b444c6a5ab246711c8ab0d3048c1b1d4fb022dd2444f62 381003
0.0000547 BTC
now $3.43
0.0000547 BTC
57542453cb5a19d346f6ffc790bbfdddccf166c1e7405984fc7e35c278f5e751 372350
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
ae9a25a92ddcbeea8ccda7e6917c2d9b7a4eab80d80b5ca77c3928654d332b63 372344
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
0b1e98f6d9cc2f6af2c8444ec3ab881dd876823b4ada13ab1649cd4be3c2744d 345109
0.001 BTC
now $62.68
0.001 BTC
8cee0469a5eaf6edf4f60b4e28bfcc7637c6f88b0f7695cbd2d7bfe5e04aaf1a 326044
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.40
0.0000543 BTC
cb49103fa397206b000e76bc9f13ce7ea77db591a88cc6f5f3dc0e5b44caee63 300902
0.001 BTC
now $62.68
0.001 BTC
b3789d0a2dd3bde337d5f6a6525d534e4a37988d6bd7de7ed6c01ad6c6310523 300884
0.0005 BTC
now $31.34
0.0005 BTC
0c67940d6ef522d96b417d32635769f33636d82aa1f741b40588e088f0f59d1d 300877
0.0122 BTC
now $764.67
0.0122 BTC
63b13e4a5b34784da9344c07c65a86887066565aa1baff8df76da464c56371f5 300858
0.003 BTC
now $188.03
0.003 BTC
4c889a61133a4cd33d3b6c4aa7636a1b1dfa3ce1ce3654822db9b21355ae901f 300858
0.005 BTC
now $313.39
0.005 BTC
2c463dc8cc147b7f4cce0fbd3a73f8a776c5ac35659692d4aa48c6e383737f17 280447
0.00333333 BTC
now $208.93
0.00333333 BTC
0f5cb9168724902353a58f6ad84e03dad9393451f0ec1102eeac5c167b1de8a3 280445
0.00333333 BTC
now $208.93
0.00333333 BTC
2c511b542900e93aff265522247dfa7510dc8f692120e733a3605485391e923e 280442
0.00333333 BTC
now $208.93
0.00333333 BTC