Address: 11ParticipantsXXXXXXXXXXXXXUGmPx6

Script: 76a9140012da1cef299c86737105ecad4b3798d0cc15d588ac

Total Lost: 0.00054301 BTC

Transactions: 11

How did this script burn BTC?

Burn Address

Bitcoin addresses are generated by base58 or bech32 encoding the hash of a public key or script, along with a version and checksum.

As the encoding is directly performed on this hash value, it is possible to generate a valid address for which the pre-image public key or script is unknown. This is known as a burn address.

This is commonly done to create a visually distinct address, and to demonstrate some level of “nothing up my sleeve” transparency. The hash values are picked to be values that are improbably to have been generated by chance (due to the immense computational power required to find a pre-image that hashes to a specific value).

While some burn addresses were used in Proof-of-Burn schemes, the majority of burn addresses are simply vanity addresses used to simply burn coins or encode a message into the blockchain.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
6ddc7e3843df9bd4d0ee47a935a6d23afc998ce14a31ceb5bd621ecfc2a5b24a 425925
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
ee521eb8c4fbaddbb9bdcf62c17d7b5746673fb01470b719b6350c063c9d9493 411767
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
4d6aad786caef79a828ed3cc18b64cccf7a072d2eae64edc0cf4740bc8554807 404104
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
1b24845c4e9eb7bcf398d1e9863ce364299baad4aaa12b3e9ead7b41d3e813bb 399697
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
acb73f9bc7117805098788ff8f98e579f775a992025e3092de3c679fb06c5b25 393744
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
8ab298a45f19a766a4c4c6a460faee162bff382cea561af56dbb07a0a00a9391 389584
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
453b3a71c7dc04fbad17573e3fb4a2f3a877541542db39ea66bc8ff51daf2715 386329
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
3738905e0c788653f10b1f2ec7501bc3be156c9e7e89b2ae30fe679f033406ba 386310
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
70931f40e72d12d280fbb67de6d968e7f2623338129098933f01b3fcb9d8f69e 385929
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
7c08534eafbf29e4a407eb2f49f23bbc0f15a011d0f5e8fbca49e6783629d641 385680
0.0000543 BTC
now $3.41
0.0000543 BTC
ef374dcc5b23f16ecb0b1b639ba577d2acda7ad32321b5866db2fa9e6807b9c5 155494
0.00000001 BTC
now $0.00
0.00000001 BTC