Address: 11111111111111HEBa2WBzfnZMqvN

Script: 76a9140000000000000000000000000041706f6c6c6f5f88ac

Total Lost: 0.000055 BTC

Transactions: 1

How did this script burn BTC?

Burn Address

Bitcoin addresses are generated by base58 or bech32 encoding the hash of a public key or script, along with a version and checksum.

As the encoding is directly performed on this hash value, it is possible to generate a valid address for which the pre-image public key or script is unknown. This is known as a burn address.

This is commonly done to create a visually distinct address, and to demonstrate some level of “nothing up my sleeve” transparency. The hash values are picked to be values that are improbably to have been generated by chance (due to the immense computational power required to find a pre-image that hashes to a specific value).

While some burn addresses were used in Proof-of-Burn schemes, the majority of burn addresses are simply vanity addresses used to simply burn coins or encode a message into the blockchain.

View revision history
Transaction ID Block Height Amount
80796e2293c806df5ad88d39a178130eeb6db6f9c4f9f0e4020670715f3c7431 319800
0.000055 BTC
now $3.03
0.000055 BTC