OP_RETURN: 6a444f55543a37433643333234414636304444393535463936344645384343373345334642424442454535353242443937374537344136413837374239464445443132413431

Decoded: DOUT:7C6C324AF60DD955F964FE8CC73E3FBBDBEE552BD977E74A6A877B9FDED12A41

Total Lost: 0 BTC

Transactions: 1

WARNING: OP_RETURN can be used to embed any data, by anyone. DO NOT follow links or contact anyone based on OP_RETURNs. They may be a scam. Decoded OP_RETURN data is shown solely for educational purposes. NEVER reveal your private keys, 2fa tokens, or other information to anybody. You will lose your BTC.

How did this script burn BTC?

Transaction ID Block Height Amount
35acba1cda63df3e3493cc64eb4abacfea5668e23b5b1f11e9a064205fa2f571 807720
now $0.00